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Robin Cook

author : Robin Cook

category : Thriller

Robin Cook is an American physician and writer of novels about medical issues united with thriller genre. He was born in Queens, New York. Cook was graduated from the Wesleyan University and Columbia University College of Physicians and Surgeons. His post graduate studies were from Harvard University. His books are a fusion of medicine and fantasy.
In his childhood Cook wanted to become an archaeologist and then later on his aspiration turned to medicine. He was a class valedictorian and graduated with Chemistry as his major and gaining a distinction in Government. He was in charge of the Blood/Gas chemistry lab at the Columbian Presbyterian Hospital.

After he was fully trained, Dr. Robin Cook went to the Navy where went to the submarine school and navy diving school. After his service ended in the Navy, he worked in the Ophthalmology department in Harvard. His career as an author started with his novel The Year of the Intern. This novel was written underwater while he was in the Kamehameha in 1972.  

Robin Cook Book Series